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Sunday, April 29, 2012
Charcuterie: The Craft of Salting, Smoking, and Curing - Ruhlman
This is not a new book by any means, but I have used it over and over again, and spurred me on in what can only be described as obsession. Needless to say with Ruhlman and Polcyn's upcoming release of Salumi this review is long over due.
The downfall of many charcuterie, and meat curing related books is that often it falls into the realm of food science. Our society as a whole is almost deemed unworthy to understand the principals behind processed food. There are many decent books done by the Marianskis, which will give you better comprehension of the science behind these things; however, it will scare off most first time dabblers. Realising this gap Ruhlman and Polcyn teamed together to create the first modern day, everyday man's book on everything porky, cured, smoked, salted, and stuffed.
One might ask themselves why we need the knowledge of food preservation? We have freezers, and refrigerators -it is no longer needed. Perhaps not, but its delicious. I for one am not willing to go my life without bacon.
The book is smartly divided into seven sections (not including the introduction): salt-cured, smoked, sausages, dry-cured, pates and terrines, confits, and accompaniments. Each section contains very informative instruction on techniques that are relevant, followed by some killer recipes, and usually additional related information. The salt-cured section begins with the history behind salted food, followed by the science behind it. Ruhlman follows this up with not only the economy and weight of buying whole hogs, but how these cuts differ in uses. Next up to bat is the dry cure recipe, and within a few seconds you know how to make your own bacon. After a veritable laundry list of culinary delights such as pancetta, guanciale, duck proscuitto, etc. We are inaugurated into the art of brining and everything from the perfectly brined chicken, to fermented sauerkraut, to lemon confit. At the end of the chapter you may not be getting a PhD in food chemistry, but you will have a great deal of understanding over the "what, where, why, how, and when," of everything salt cured.
The rest of the book follows suit.Whether you are an aspiring French chef trying to master duck confit, and pork rilletes, or an inspired barbeque pit master attempting to perfect a barbeque sauce you will get something out of this book. Cant find grandma's dill pickle recipe? This one is likely better. Definately a must have!
Saturday, April 28, 2012
Understanding Leaveners - Yeast, Baking Soda, and Egg Whites
To the home baker, this is often a
conundrum “Shit, I ran out of baking soda what else can I use?”
We have all been there, and this is all a matter of understanding
what is actually going on inside your recipe. Some of this believe it
or not is grade school science, and I am here simply to reiterate
something that seems elaborate but is not. Leaveners are the things
that make our baked goods rise, in short.
Fundamentally, all of these things
achieve one thing: they produce (usually carbon dioxide, or
incorporate gas.) This is can be achieved three different ways:
microbial, chemical, or mechanical.
Microbial leavening is achieved through
yeasts. The same things that produce two of our favourite things:
alcohol, and bread. This is fermentation. Yeast leavening can be
complicated by going down a baking aisle, and seeing fast acting
yeast, cake yeast, brewers yeast, sourdough etc. I will delve into
that more complicated bit after. What is important is to understand
that yeasts eat sugars. These can be sugars from starches
(carbohydrates), table sugar, honey, etc. Some of these sugars are
more digestible then others, but for our purposes, that is not
important. When a yeast eats a sugar it farts, vomits, and procreates
(much like a frat house). It farts carbon dioxide, vomits alcohol,
and produces more yeast.
If left in a liquid with a sugar, it
will produce alcohol and the carbon dioxide will escape. This is how
we get beer. Bread is much like beer, and bread dough is even mildly
alcoholic. The different is that when we knead a dough together we
create gluten, and this gluten traps the carbon dioxide which causes
the bread to “rise,” much like blowing up a balloon. When the
bread is baked, the alcohol is burned off.
This brings us to the next topic -types
of yeast. There are different strains of yeast, some are better are
producing alcohol, some better at producing carbon dioxide. There are
also wild yeasts (yes they watch you while you are sleeping). For
baking purposes we are interested in the ones that produce carbon
dioxide. Now we have a selection to choose from, and without getting
into all of them it fundamentally comes down to how fast they wake up
and do their thing. Think normal yeast as sleepy factory workers, and
thing of super active yeast as the Incredible Hulk. Our Hulk is the
same as our Average Joe yeast, except he is packed with beneficial
nutrients that wake him up and get him going faster. If we gave our
factory yeasts Red Bull (ie yeast nutrients) the same thing would
Having a Hulk yeast is not always a
beneficial thing. This is an important principle in bread making.
Time equals Taste. The longer your bread ferments, the more flavour
it will have. This is the reason store bought white bread tastes so
different than a sourdough (which we will get into soon).
So hypothetically, we want a flavourful
bread but all we have is the Hulk. How can we achieve this?
A big factor in microbial action, and
fermentation is temperature. The higher the temperature (that they
can survive happily,) the faster they will work. The reverse is also
true. If we put our dough the fridge, it will take longer to rise,
and produce more flavour. If we need it to rise faster we put it in a
warmer spot in the house. Simple non?
So what then is sourdough, and why is
it so tasty. Sourdough is the homeless yeast, the teenager, or the
Iggy Pop, it is wild and fairly untamed. It is produced by creating a
substance that will attract the ambient yeasts living in your house,
and cause them to colonize it. This is usually accomplished by a
mixture of flour and water, left out in the open for several days
until it either molds (in which case it was colonised by other
microbials,) or begins to bubble and ferment. When it begins to do
this you basically have another pet. You have to feed it, nourish it,
and give it a place to sleep. I will not go too in depth to the art
of sourdough. Because this yeast really does not “want” to work,
the dough takes a long time to ferment, and produces a very fermented
flavour. This flavour is unique because more then likely this yeast
is unique to your specific area. This is why San Francisco sourdoughs
are so popular, they produce a different strain of yeast! Not to say
“Your House” sourdoughs cant be better.
To add to the confusion, often you will
see the word starter, biga, poolish, or sponge. These are all
basically the same thing, they are “pre-ferments”, it is a middle
of the road for flavour. How this is achieved it by starting a
“dough” ahead of time, letting the yeasts age and establish
themselves and then using this “dough” to ferment your actual
dough. If we wanted to make a pre-ferment we would take a small
portion of yeasts, and water out of our recipe, put our yeasts in
that, and let it do its thing overnight on the counter or in the
fridge. Where all these strange names differ is in what ratio of
flour to water that is in the pre-ferment. Some bakers prefer it more
liquid, some prefer it more dough-like in consistency. Another way to
achieve this is to make your initial dough, and save a tiny piece for
the next batch of dough; they downside however is the reliability.
The things we can take away from this
is: Yeasts produce carbon dioxide, that carbon dioxide gets trapped
in our dough and causes it to rise, the longer it takes to rise the
more flavour it will have.
Chemical leavening is usually achieved
by using either baking soda or baking powder. I find the easiest way
to explain this is to go back to a grade school science fair where
without a doubt, someone made a “volcano.” If you remember the
reaction was created by taking baking soda, and vinegar putting them
together and watching the mess ensue. This is what happens when you
mix an acid (vinegar), and a base (sodium bicarbonate) This is
exactly what happens when you use them in baking. If a recipe calls
for baking soda, it will always have an acid accompanying it. This is
usually lemon juice, buttermilk or cream of tartar (which is actually
tartaric acid). What happens is our volcano reaction happens in our
mixture creating carbon dioxide which is trapped and baked. This can
be accomplished using baking soda and any acid you can think of (well
as long as it is food friendly). The chemical responsible for this is
sodium bicarbonate.
The difference between baking soda, and
baking powder is that baking powder contains both sodium bicarbonate,
and tartaric acid (cream of tartar). It often uses an inert starch as
a drying agent as well.
So we have a recipe that calls for
baking powder, but all we have is baking soda. How can we create our
own baking powder?
1 part baking soda
1 part cornstarch
2 part cream of tartar
Ok, but I am out of cream of tartar,
and cornstarch. What else can I use? If we require one teaspoon of
baking powder we can use these substitutions:
1/2 tsp baking soda +1/2 cup
buttermilk, yogurt, or soured milk (1/2 cup milk + 1 1/2 tsp
vinegar/lemon juice)
1/2 tsp baking soda +1 1/2 tsp lemon
juice, or vinegar
1/2 tsp baking soda + 1/3 tsp citric
More often then not you will use 1 tsp
of baking powder per 1 cup of flour. When we substitute using liquid
you must also adjust your recipe by taking out other liquids. The
problem with substitutions is although some can be straightforward
others can change the texture/flavour of the recipe. Technically it
is an exact science, realistically not so much.
There are also single acting, and
double acting baking powders. Single acting only activates when
applied with heat (ie being baked), whereas double acting will react
at room temperature AND when applied with heat. Also note that self
rising flour is normal flour with the addition of baking powder. To
make your own take normal flour and add 1 1/4 tsp of baking powder,
and a 1/4 tsp of salt.
What we can take away from chemical
leavening is this: Baking soda is a base, when this base is combined
with acid it will produce carbon dioxide and cause our recipe to rise
(with the application of heat), baking powder is baking soda combined
with acid already. Now that you understand the “why” it should be
much easier to understand what is going on in your recipes, and how
to substitute the various ingredients.
Mechanically leavening something is
probably the simplest of all processes. We use mechanical movement to
introduce air, and then gently heat it to cement it together. Mainly
what we are talking about are egg whites. Whipped egg whites are
responsible for many delicacies such as souffles, macarons,
meringues, sponge cake, etc. Cream is not generally baked while
whipped, however ice cream is an example where air is whipped into
the ice cream mixture which increases its volume and then frozen. We
will concentrate on egg whites.
Without going too scientific (if you
wish to, buy On Food and Cooking by Harold Mcgee) when egg whites are
whipped two chemicals in the egg whites are attracted to each other
and form the framework through molecular bonds. If baked right away
(usually very low gentle heat,) this framework is solidified, and
leaves us with a light airy product. Although it is not exactly that
simple, the same forces that create this network can also become too
tightly bonded and cause the whites to collapse. To further
complicate things whites have water, and if contaminated by yolk,
fat. Both of these things will have a negative effect on the end
product, and work against your desired results.
Commonly it is advised both most French
pastry chefs that in order to get the best egg whites, the eggs must
be older, room temperature and aged. Harold McGee notes that your
eggs should be in a chilled bowl, and if needed a tiny bit of acid
added to them -1/2 tsp cream of tar tar. This is kind of
contradictory and unfortunately I do not have an answer. As eggs age,
they actually become less acidic, and warm eggs have a harder time
bonding together. Take what you will from that, I am not going to
argue with neither a Pastry chef, nor the Godfather of food science.
One thing that sounds like an old wives
tale which does have scientific merit, if the belief that a copper
bowl should be used when whipping eggs. This is true.
“It turns out that along with a few other metals, copper has the useful tendency to form extremely tight bonds with reactive sulphur groups: so tight that the sulphur is essentially preventing from reacting with anything else. So the presence of copper in foaming eggs whites essentially eliminates the strongest kind of protein bond that can form, and makes it harder for the proteins to embrace each other too tightly.” On Food and Cooking, Harold McGee
In a nut shell, the copper makes it
very hard for the whites to collapse. McGee also notes that silver
has the same effect as copper (for those of us that can afford
silver, let alone copper bowls). I've only briefly touched on this
subject because it is either a very simple straightforward topic, or
a highly scientific one. My copy of On Food and Cooking, is currently
lent out, so perhaps ill post one on the science of it when I get it
I hope this answers more questions,
then it makes. Hopefully never again will someone ask me about baking
soda substitutions, or at least I will have a place to steer them.
Wednesday, April 25, 2012
Baked Beans with Home cured Bacon and Maple Syrup
Spring has been tossing us red herrings for the last few weeks, teasing us with promises of warmth followed by days of cold and wet. On one such rainy cold day I needed to stave off the chill with something. Although baked beans are known the world over there is something quintessentially Canadian about baked beans with bacon, and maple syrup. In Ontario maple syrup season has just wrapped up, and I am lucky enough to have Jakeman's Maple Syrup just down the road from me (meaning quality maple syrup is always to be had!) I also cured and smoked some bacon this week, meaning this match was just meant to happen.
1 lb – Navy, or Great Northern Beans
1 lb – Slab Bacon (sorry didn't document bacon making, perhaps another time.)
1/2-3/4 cup – Maple Syrup
1 can – Whole Tomatoes
1 can - Beer
3 – Medium Onions (chopped)
10 cloves – Garlic (sliced)
1 tbsp – Ginger (grated)
1 bunch – Sage (chopped)
In a spice bag put:
1/2 – Cinnamon Stick
3 – Cloves
1 – Star Anise
2 – Bay leaves
Begin by soaking your beans over night, or use the quick soak method by bringing them to a boil for ten minutes, and then leave in the water for an hour or two (until grow in size). Cut your bacon into 1/4 size pieces, and add to your cooking vessel. Render out the majority of the fat, and drain leaving 2 or more spoonfuls. Add your onions and garlic, and under medium to medium low heat sweat them until just turning translucent. Add ginger. When those are cooked add beer, and increase heat to high. Reduce by half. Add in tomatoes, beans, spice bag, sage, and maple syrup. Season with pepper, but no salt (see note). Add water and/or stock until beans are covered by an inch or so. Bring to boil. Reduce heat, partially cover and let simmer slowly for 6-8 hours, or until beans are soft.
This recipe works great with any cured pork product. It is great for leftover ham, picnic shoulder, or smoked ham hock. If you use a ham or picnic shoulder it is always great to add the bone in to the beans and any ham “jelly” leftover. It really is a versatile recipe. You could also use a slow cooker, or bake in the oven.
One reason I use whole canned tomatoes, is because more often then not your beans will be close to done once the tomato has pretty much disintegrated into the mixture. If you don’t have maple syrup, you could add 1/2 cup of brown sugar. Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do.
*Note: When cooking beans do not add salt until the end of the cooking process. The salinity blocks the pores of the beans and they will not be able to absorb moisture and get soft.
1 lb – Navy, or Great Northern Beans
1 lb – Slab Bacon (sorry didn't document bacon making, perhaps another time.)
1/2-3/4 cup – Maple Syrup
1 can – Whole Tomatoes
1 can - Beer
3 – Medium Onions (chopped)
10 cloves – Garlic (sliced)
1 tbsp – Ginger (grated)
1 bunch – Sage (chopped)
In a spice bag put:
1/2 – Cinnamon Stick
3 – Cloves
1 – Star Anise
2 – Bay leaves
Begin by soaking your beans over night, or use the quick soak method by bringing them to a boil for ten minutes, and then leave in the water for an hour or two (until grow in size). Cut your bacon into 1/4 size pieces, and add to your cooking vessel. Render out the majority of the fat, and drain leaving 2 or more spoonfuls. Add your onions and garlic, and under medium to medium low heat sweat them until just turning translucent. Add ginger. When those are cooked add beer, and increase heat to high. Reduce by half. Add in tomatoes, beans, spice bag, sage, and maple syrup. Season with pepper, but no salt (see note). Add water and/or stock until beans are covered by an inch or so. Bring to boil. Reduce heat, partially cover and let simmer slowly for 6-8 hours, or until beans are soft.
This recipe works great with any cured pork product. It is great for leftover ham, picnic shoulder, or smoked ham hock. If you use a ham or picnic shoulder it is always great to add the bone in to the beans and any ham “jelly” leftover. It really is a versatile recipe. You could also use a slow cooker, or bake in the oven.
One reason I use whole canned tomatoes, is because more often then not your beans will be close to done once the tomato has pretty much disintegrated into the mixture. If you don’t have maple syrup, you could add 1/2 cup of brown sugar. Hope everyone enjoys this as much as I do.
*Note: When cooking beans do not add salt until the end of the cooking process. The salinity blocks the pores of the beans and they will not be able to absorb moisture and get soft.
Saturday, April 21, 2012
Dryad's Saddle - Polyporus squamosus
Spring brings a great many things, and for the mushroom hunter there is nothing greater then the morel. However there is an edible mushroom that appears even before the morel, and that is the dryad's saddle. Generally considered not a “choice” edible mushroom with a little love and care can be quite delicious.
The Dryad's saddle is a polypore, meaning it has little holes instead of gills. These holes are visible to the naked eye on this species. It usually grows out of dead or dying hardwoods (ie not on the ground). It has a yellow and brown variegated pattern on the cap, and is white underneath. They can grow quite large, but the edible ones are the smaller variety. This is an easy mushroom to identify, is often the first in spring. The tell tale you have the right mushroom is this is the only mushroom that smells like watermelon. That is right it smells like watermelon.
This is a rather tough, tasteless mushroom (aren't most of them tasteless?), so its a good idea to treat it like a tough cut of meat. Cut into smalls pieces, marinate if you chose, and/or chose a long cooking method. Be sure if you have never had this before to try just a small piece at first, as different people can have different reactions to wild mushrooms. Also never consume wild mushrooms with alcohol, some mushrooms are “edible” as is but alcohol can unlock some nasty effects in them.
That is all for now, recipes forthcoming!
The Dryad's saddle is a polypore, meaning it has little holes instead of gills. These holes are visible to the naked eye on this species. It usually grows out of dead or dying hardwoods (ie not on the ground). It has a yellow and brown variegated pattern on the cap, and is white underneath. They can grow quite large, but the edible ones are the smaller variety. This is an easy mushroom to identify, is often the first in spring. The tell tale you have the right mushroom is this is the only mushroom that smells like watermelon. That is right it smells like watermelon.
This is a rather tough, tasteless mushroom (aren't most of them tasteless?), so its a good idea to treat it like a tough cut of meat. Cut into smalls pieces, marinate if you chose, and/or chose a long cooking method. Be sure if you have never had this before to try just a small piece at first, as different people can have different reactions to wild mushrooms. Also never consume wild mushrooms with alcohol, some mushrooms are “edible” as is but alcohol can unlock some nasty effects in them.
That is all for now, recipes forthcoming!
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